Professional Qualifications
Over 50,000 billed Forensic Engineering hours
35 Years of Forensic Experience
3,000 Independent Investigations
Has Taught over 100 Fire Seminars
​Some investigators are great at processing the scene, some are great at the laboratory examinations and analysis, while others are best at testifying and using displays. Mr. Harris saves his clients time and money with his superior expertise in all three. His wide-ranging experience in origin & cause, propane, natural gas, appliances, electrical systems, carbon monoxide, combustion and chimneys, chemistry and more ensure that he can complete the entire investigation for a quick and accurate resolution.
1500 Building Fires
350 Oil/Gas Well explosions
400 Building Explosions
500 Vehicle Fires
300 Heavy Equipment/Tractor Fires Fires
100 Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Incidents
800 Laboratory Examinations and Testing
B.S. Chemical Engineering
1982 State University of New York at Buffalo
Graduate Studies in Materials Science
1984 University of Utah
Fire Science
Red Rocks Community College
Arson Investigation
Red Rocks Community College
Chemistry of Explosives
Metro State College
Fire Seminars
Over 300 Hours
Randolph J. Harris
Fire Investigator
Forensic Scientist
Explosion Expert
Carbon Monoxide Expert
Expert Testimony
92 Appearances Expert Courtroom Testimony
130 Depositions
Has testified in State, Federal and County courts.
Always accepted as an expert.
Certified Fire & Explosion Investigator -NAFI
Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator -NAFI
Certified Chimney Inspector - F.I.R.E. Associates
Certified Propane Handler -PERC
Certified Tribometrist
Carbon Monoxide Expert.
Professional Affiliations
National Fire Protection Association
International Association of Arson Investigators
National Association of Fire Investigators.