Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning
Carbon Monoxide poisoning is typically blamed on a "faulty furnace". However, 95% of the time, there is nothing wrong with the furnace.
Having investigated over 100 Carbon Monoxide (CO) poisonings, Mr. Harris notes that they are usually more complicated than people think. Equipment failure, installation error, altitude, poor maintenance, transient environmental conditions, other appliances, and human error can all contribute to a very complex puzzle.
A thorough investigation and testing of the original equipment components, in their unaltered positions, is mandatory in order to accurately:
decipher the true causes of the CO poisoning
prevent a repeat poisoning, and
assign responsibility correctly
If you become involved in the legal aspects of carbon monoxide poisoning, do not alter anything.
Delay replacement or alterations until the existing system can be expertly tested, as per ASTM standards. If the assumed-responsible appliance is removed, the real cause may never be determined.
As a chemical engineer with extensive experience in CO investigations, he knows what to look for and how to delve more deeply to reveal and prove the true cause of the incident.
Mr. Harris has been accepted as a Carbon Monoxide expert in both State and Federal courts.
See my Article: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

This animation illustrates how a lack of combustion air can produce carbon monoxide, which is then distributed throughout the house by a properly-functioning furnace/AC unit.
One carbon monoxide investigation revealed 14 installation deficiencies in a building's heating system. However, only two of those heating deficiencies contributed to the poisoning, and they were both related to the improper original installation.
Although several equipment manufacturers could have been blamed, they were exonerated by Mr. Harris' careful inspection, testing and analysis.